The Falls Community

Homeowner’s Meeting Minutes

October 16, 2021


Meeting Called to Order motioned by: Rosalyn Burt 2nd by Jeannine Spadaccini

Approval of Minutes motioned by: Rosalyn Burt 2nd by Jeannine Spadaccini


All in Favor


Pledge of Allegiance led by Rosalyn Burt


Introduction of Board Members


Present: Rosalyn Burt, Thomas Farrelly, Casey Cooney, Joyce Rosso, Monica Scott, Jeannine Spadaccini and Property Manager, Kat Dirato


Presidents Report by Rosalyn Burt:


Discussed the beautification of the community and what’s been done throughout regarding this.  We put down mulch and planted flowers at the waterfall. We re-did several walls throughout the community which will be discussed and show pictures of in the slide show. There are many retaining walls that need to be done, our next project will be the pool area.  We obtained bear proof dumpsters as per mandated by the game commissioner.  We ordered Forestry Gates to replace the boulders by the dumpsters and the chain down by the mailboxes.  We’ve gotten several estimates to put a roof covering over the mailboxes. We are doing the retaining walls at the pool area in phases being it’s the only amenity we have it should look appealing to new buyers and residents alike. There are still many retaining walls and steps that need to be addressed and we are selecting which ones by priority. We have a new website and Falls logo ; Grinder pumps, snow removal and dumpster removal are a huge expense in the community. We ask for your patience during snow removal procedures. We also ask that you break down carboard when throwing it in the dumpsters. We also had some dead trees removed but going forward trees that are affecting your roof or townhouse will be your responsibility.



Finances by Thomas Farrelly (Pg.6):


The accountant, Mike Torrey, reviewed the financials with the homeowners. 4-5 years ago our financial status was not good but we are improving tremendously with no debt and our reserves have increased along with being able to do many improvements in the community.


Recreation Report:  The head count at the pool this summer was below average.  We had several lounge chairs re-strapped and purchased 3 new tables for the pool area. It was difficult to find lifeguards this season and the ones we hired had to go back to college leaving us short staffed and having to close the pool area more than normally at




the end of the pool season.  We will have new pool badges for 2022 so discard the old ones for they will no longer be used.


Elections: Ballot is on p.14; there are 3 running for the open positions; Donna Montouri’s blurb was read to the residents being she had to work and was unable to attend.  Dave Gouth #120 introduced himself to the residents; discussed his plans and reasons for wanting to be on the board of directors.  Casey Cooney makes a motion to accept the three running for the board on the ballot by acclamation. 2nd by Jeannine Spadaccini, all approved.


Open Discussion:


#241 brought up the illegal dumping at the dumpsters and they should be fined; would like the debris at the maintenance shed discarded if possible; bikes chained up on Woodbridge Drive East; White SUV parked illegally; cars speeding; potholes on Sedburgh


Casey Cooney replied that the cameras at the dumpsters are reviewed and if anyone is found illegally dumping, we fine them if they live in the association. Otherwise, the state police are contacted, and we file a citation against them and take them to court.  We will have maintenance clean up the items at the shed. We cannot stop a child from chaining his bike but maybe we can put in bike racks for them at the bus stop.


#105 complained about dog barking on Mountain View Way


PM will send a notice to them


#524 would like to join the board; would also like to see paving done on Wales Court; need branches removed from a tree doing damage to their roof; HO suggested getting bids for trimming of branches and tree removal


Rosalyn Burt responded that we are looking into those things and will be getting estimates


#120 thinks it’s unfair for a homeowner to have one vote per unit


Casey Cooney stated that’s what’s in our bylaws as well as the law


#524 thinks the renters should be able to vote


Rosalyn Burt doesn’t agree with that, feels the renters don’t care about the community as much as owners do.


#217 feels the property value is diminishing due to some of the renters.


#133 feels the community has gotten a lot better and likes the idea of a roof over the mailboxes






#241 asked if the HO are held responsible?


Rosalyn responded Yes, as long as we have the correct unit #



#111 complained about junk on porch at #116 and they should be fined


Casey Cooney responded that they are not paying dues so fining them isn’t going to matter. They do not have access to amenities and their gate card has been deactivated as well as a lien filed against them. PM will have items removed from their porch.


#508 suggested changing the Bylaws to irradicate some of the problems in the community


Casey Cooney responded it’s not that easy, 2/3 votes are needed from the community and it needs to be discussed with the attorney before doing so


#524 feels there are health concerns with wet crawlspaces and does the board hold the homeowner responsible?


Rosalyn Burt responded the we cannot tell homeowner’s what to do with the inside of their units.



Rosalyn Burt made a motion to adjourn, 2nd Casey Cooney



















Our next Board Meeting will be held:
At The Falls Community Office

On November 16, 2021